Fast and easy Ramadan breakfast 2023

Fast and easy Ramadan breakfast 2021
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Fast and easy Ramadan breakfast 2023, we offer it to every housewife to choose from what suits her, and to serve it to her family, with easy recipes that do not take much time to prepare, and dishes from different Arab countries, including the main and the side ones, with ingredients available in the market, easy to digest, and high nutritional value, Besides, they all have a delicious and distinctive taste.

Fast and easy Ramadan breakfast 2023

Ramadan trip We always make sure that there are many types and dishes on it, and its diversity to suit all the tastes of family members, and it is suitable for women who work because they do not need much time in preparing them.

The soup

It is one of the important dishes that we make sure to have on the table, and it has many types that we can choose from, but the best of all remains the vegetable soup because it is characterized by the presence of many vitamins and minerals in it.

Vegetable soup ingredients

  • A liter and a quarter of water.
  • Half a cup of milk.
  • A cup only a quarter of peas.
  • A cup of green beans.
  • A small plate of broccoli, cut into florets.
  • Small pieces of cauliflower.
  • Two medium sized sweet potatoes, cut into cubes.
  • Grated tomatoes and filtered from the skin.
  • Two carrots cut into cubes.
  • Chopped large onion.
  • Half a teaspoon of minced garlic.
  • Two tablespoons of obesity.
  • Three tablespoons of starch.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • a spoonful of salt.
  • Half a spoonful of black pepper.

How to prepare

  • We prepare a deep bowl and put the ghee in it on the fire until it is well heated, then we put all the chopped vegetables in it and stir them from time to time for five minutes.
  • Add hot water to the vegetables and leave for about 35 minutes, until they enter the stage of maturity.
  • You can add spices and serve vegetable soup like this, or enhance the taste by adding the amount of starch we have on the milk, and put it on the soup, and stir until the soup becomes thicker.
  • Soup is placed in serving dishes, garnished with parsley.

How to make noodle soup

This recipe is unique and loved by many. It is prepared within a short period of time, with a maximum of a third of an hour. Its ingredients are simple and available at home, with high nutritional value. It is suitable for people who follow a diet to lose some weight in the holy month of Ramadan.

Recipe ingredients

  • A cup and a half of noodles.
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Two tablespoons of parsley, cut into very small pieces.
  • Vegetable stock cube.
  • pinch of salt
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • warm water.

How to prepare

  • We prepare a pot and put oil in it and raise it on the fire until it gets hot, then put the amount of noodles we have in it.
  • The mixture is stirred continuously until it becomes a uniform and golden color for all the quantity.
  • Put hot or warm water on the noodles, then add salt, pepper, bouillon cube and stir well until the spices dissolve.
  • The soup remains on the stove for a quarter of an hour on a low heat, then chopped parsley is added to it seconds before turning off the heat.

side dish or salad

There are many types of salad that are served when making an easy and quick Ramadan breakfast 2023 Ramadan, but the most famous of them is green salad, pickled eggplant, and among the popular Arab dishes in the Levant and Lebanon is the fattoush salad, which takes only a quarter of an hour to prepare, and its ingredients are easy and available .

Fattoush ingredients

  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Big lemon juice.
  • Two tablespoons of pomegranate molasses.
  • Two green peppers, sliced.
  • Two tomatoes, cut into cubes.
  • A large slice of cucumber.
  • Three grains of chopped radish.
  • A cup but a quarter of shredded lettuce leaves.
  • Half a bundle of parsley, cut into small pieces.
  • Two sliced ​​green onions.
  • Four sticks of chopped mint.
  • Half a spoonful of chopped green thyme.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • sumac.
  • A loaf of bread sliced ​​and toasted in the oven.

How to prepare

  • We put all kinds of chopped vegetables that we have in a deep plate and mix them together.
  • Lemon juice, olive oil, and pomegranate molasses are placed on the vegetables and stirred well.
  • Add salt and sumac and mix the fattoush salad again.
  • Pour the salad into serving dishes, and place the croutons on top of the salad when serving.

Pickled eggplant dish

It is one of the most famous side dishes that are served on the Ramadan table. It has a distinctive mixture that gives a delicious and appetizing taste to those who eat it. Some people prepare it as a substitute for salad in some dishes, and sometimes both are prepared to satisfy all tastes.

dish ingredients

  • Half a kilo of medium-sized eggplant.
  • One tablespoon of crushed garlic.
  • Three teaspoons of table salt.
  • Two tablespoons of dried coriander.
  • Juice of two large lemons.
  • A third of a small cup of white vinegar.
  • Three grains of chopped turkey pepper.
  • Four tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin.

How to prepare

  • We take the eggplant and wash it well with running water, then we get rid of its neck.
  • We put water in a deep pot until it reaches the boiling stage, and put each of the eggplants in it, with half the amount of vinegar, and one spoonful of salt, and leave them together until they enter the stage of maturity.
  • When we close the fire, rinse the eggplant with cold water, and leave it aside until it is at room temperature.
  • We start preparing the eggplant filling, by putting all the remaining ingredients together in a food processor except for the oil, and mixing them well.
  • A spoonful of the stuffing is added inside the eggplant after opening it lengthwise from the side, and it is left aside, then we put it in a closed box and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Eggplant is served instead of pickles on the Ramadan table to increase appetite.


The most famous types of appetizers on the Ramadan table are samosa, which is characterized by a variety of fillings. It can be prepared with meat, chicken, or cheese as well as various vegetables. It is one of the most important dishes for an easy and quick Ramadan breakfast 2023, as within only half an hour the dish is ready to be served.

Sambousek ingredients

  • Half a kilogram of minced meat.
  • Two tablespoons of grated onions.
  • grated onion
  • Two tablespoons of ghee.
  • A teaspoon of tomato paste.
  • pinch of salt
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • Green pepper cut into cubes.
  • little water.
  • Crushed garlic clove.
  • Sambousek dough.

How to prepare

  • The filling is prepared by placing a deep pan on the fire until it heats up, then we add the ghee to it until it melts and heats up, after that we put the minced meat.
  • Stir the meat until it changes color, then add the grated onions, and keep stirring until the onions wither, then add the minced garlic.
  • Add the peppers, carrots, salt and pepper, stir all the ingredients, then put the tomato paste on it and mix them, and leave the filling until it cools down and then use it.
  • We take one of the samosa dough and brush it with water, then put a small amount of filling and roll it in a triangle shape.
  • Sambousek is cooked in one of two ways, either by frying it in hot and precious oil, or by greasing it with any fatty substance and placing it in the oven until it is cooked.

How to make chicken roll goulash

This dish is beautiful and distinctive, and it is considered one of the distinctive side dishes for making breakfast in Ramadan, quick and easy. Children love it more than adults, and it can be prepared with more than one filling, such as minced meat, or cheese mixture, etc., and it can also be made in the form of a tray, or shaped like Roller.

Recipe ingredients

  • Half a kilo of ready-made and soft goulash.
  • Two tablespoons of obesity.
  • scrambled egg
  • One cup of full fat milk.
  • Chicken breasts cut into small cubes.
  • Sliced ​​mushroom.
  • Colored pepper cut into small cubes.
  • A mixture of roomy, cheddar, and mozzarella cheese.
  • A large grated onion.
  • A quarter of a spoonful of black pepper.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.

How to prepare

  • We prepare a frying pan and put a little obesity in it and raise it on the fire until it heats up well, then put the grated onion in it and stir until it wilts, then put the chicken pieces.
  • Add each of the chopped peppers, with mushrooms, to the onions, and stir for three minutes, then add the seasoning mixture consisting of salt and pepper to it.
  • Grease the oven tray with olive oil, then take a sheet of parchment paper and place it on a dry surface, and put a spoonful of the prepared filling in it.
  • We put a spoonful of the cheese mixture on top of the filling, then roll it in the form of a roll, and grease the paper with butter when wrapping it, until we finish all the quantity we have.
  • Lay the filo roll on the oven tray, prepare a cup of milk, add the beaten egg to it, add it to the filo, and put it in the oven for about a third of an hour.
  • It is preferable that the oven temperature be at 180 C to reach the required leveling, and when leveling is completed, it is placed in the serving dishes and decorated with chopped parsley leaves.

the Maine plate

It is always preferable that the main dish contain vegetable or animal protein, such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, beans, etc., in addition to some starches that provide the body with the energy needed to carry out its activities, and compensate it for what it lost during the hours of fasting.

Mashed potato casserole with chicken pieces

This recipe is rich in many nutrients, and it is prepared within a short period of time, and its ingredients are available at home, and it tastes wonderful and delicious.

Recipe ingredients

  • Five large boiled potatoes.
  • Take a chicken breast and cut it into small cubes.
  • A large grated onion.
  • A third of a cup of full fat milk.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • an egg.
  • A quarter cup of ground rusk.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • A small pinch of ground black pepper.

How to prepare

  • Mash the potatoes until they become a paste, then put a little fatty substance in the casserole.
  • We prepare an external dish and put in it each of the mashed potatoes with the amount of oil, the beaten egg, and the grated onion, and stir well.
  • Add black pepper with salt, ground rusk and mix well.
  • We put a bowl on the fire with a small amount of oil in it, until it heats up, then add the chicken cubes in it, and season it with salt and pepper until it begins to enter the stage of maturity.
  • Pour half of the potato mixture into its casserole dish, then put the chicken pieces, then add the rest of the potatoes and equalize the surface of the tray.
  • We distribute the ground rusk on the potato tray, then put it in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees Celsius.
  • When the tray is cooked and we take it out of the oven, it is divided into equal pieces, and served with garnishing with some parsley.

How to make meatballs

It is one of the main dishes spread in the Arab and Gulf countries, especially in a large way, and it is one of the foods with high nutritional value, because it contains protein, starches, and various vitamins, and some Ramadan nuts can be added to it to enhance its taste.

Recipe ingredients

  • Half a kilo of long basmati rice.
  • Four tablespoons of obesity.
  • Two tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • One and a half kilograms of meat.
  • Two large onions, sliced.
  • Kabsa special spices.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • A teaspoon of black pepper.
  • Three bay leaves.
  • Three grains of cloves.
  • A stick of cinnamon.
  • Four grains of cardamom.
  • A grain of dried black lemon.
  • Three medium sized tomatoes, chopped.

How to prepare

  • We bring a deep bowl and put a little ghee in it and raise it on the fire, then add the chopped onions and stir for two minutes, after that we put the meat cubes while continuing to stir until their color begins to change.
  • Tomatoes are added after the color of the meat changes, and we turn them over, then put tomato paste on them, and half a liter of hot water.
  • Add the spices consisting of Kabsa spices, salt, pepper, dried lemon, bay leaf, cardamom, cloves, stir all the ingredients, then leave aside with the meat until it boils, and then reduce the heat.
  • Put the tomato sauce paste on the broth mixture, stir well, then leave the pot on the stove until the meat reaches the desired doneness.
  • Rice is prepared by washing the rice with running water, filtering it, and then adding it with the meat when it is close to the desired level, taking into account that the soup is one finger knuckle higher than the rice.
  • Add the nuts on top of the mixture and leave until cooked, then pour it into a large Kabsa tray, and decorate with raisins and nuts, as well as parsley.

The most famous Egyptian dishes on the Ramadan table

Molokhia is one of the most popular easy and quick foods for Ramadan breakfast and is indispensable during that season. It can be served alongside rice and salad, and it is preferable to cook it next to rabbits. It can be eaten like soup, or on rice, or with bread as desired.

Recipe ingredients

  • A quarter kilogram of cleaned and chopped mallow.
  • Peeled and mashed garlic head.
  • A cube of chicken stock.
  • Two tablespoons of municipal obesity.
  • A teaspoon of dry coriander.
  • soup.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • pepper

How to prepare

  • Put each of the chopped mallow with the soup in a pot and raise it over a low heat.
  • Take a bowl and put the ghee with dry coriander, salt, pepper and garlic in it and sauté until golden.
  • Garlic is added to the mallow, stirred, and then poured into serving dishes.

Modus operandi of duck with orange

It is one of the most famous Ramadan dishes, and it is prepared by a large number of people on the first day of the holy month, and this dish is characterized by its high nutritional value because it enhances the body’s immunity, due to the addition of oranges that contain vitamin C.

Recipe ingredients

  • A medium-sized duck is cleaned well with salt, flour and lemon.
  • ginger.
  • salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • Ring cut islands.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Orange juice.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Few basil leaves.

How to prepare

  • The duck is placed in a soaking solution of orange juice with lemon juice for at least an hour.
  • Add all the ingredients we have with three tablespoons of orange zest, and stuff the duck with it from all directions.
  • We prepare an oven tray and put some water in it, and add the marinated duck to it, keeping in mind that we follow it from time to time to add water if it needs that.
  • When done, brush the outside of the duck with a piece of butter or margarine, then place it on the highest rack in the oven, until it gets a beautiful red colour.
  • The duck is placed in a serving dish, garnished with parsley, and a dish of stuffed or molokhia can be made with rice next to it and served.

We presented some of the fast and easy Ramadan breakfasts 2023. It is preferable to develop a weekly plan for meals that are served on the iftar table, and prepare your needs from the market first, taking into account diversification in them to fulfill the desire of everyone in the house, renovation and trying new recipes from time to time.

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