Al-Mash for fattening, Jaber Al-Qahtani, its benefits, nutritional components and possible side effects

Al-Mash for fattening, Jaber Al-Qahtani, its benefits, nutritional components and possible side effects
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The mash method for fattening, Jaber Al-Qahtani, is something that many are looking for, as the health benefits of the mash plant are summarized as a kind of legume, but it is characterized by its high levels of various vitamins and minerals, and it has been used in the past for its many health benefits, and in this article we will talk about the benefits of mash for fattening, and also touch on To introduce the general benefits of mash.

What is mash

Mash is a legume that is used as a whole grain or in the production of flour. Mash crops grow every year in regions with moderate temperatures in Australia and China.[1]In addition to the hot regions of the United States and Canada and the dry places of continental Europe, mung bean crops are also known for their tolerance of dry conditions and low growing needs. Mushrooms are eaten in large quantities in Asian countries. The different types that are of great importance as they were used in traditional Chinese medicine, and have been associated with many benefits and uses related to maintaining health and treating some diseases.[2]

Almash for fattening Jaber Al-Qahtani

It is worth noting that mung beans work well as part of a healthy weight gain plan because they are full of fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and folic acid. They are also a good source of vegetable proteins because they belong to the same group of proteins as meat, poultry and fish. To gain half a pound per week you should consume an additional 500 calories each day. Legumes can fill 500 calories if 2 cups of legumes are eaten daily. As the calories increase, the plan should include resistance exercise to ensure weight gain rather than excess fat. This type of exercise increases work. The muscle that strengthens and activates the building of new muscles, which is one of the benefits of mash for fattening.[4]

The American Council on Exercise recommends a 30-45 minute post-workout snack consisting of 1 part protein for every 3 parts carbohydrate or 10 grams of protein per 30 grams of carbohydrate, the average amount of protein found in 1 cup of beans equals 15 grams And the average carb is 47 grams which is roughly a 1:3 ratio. Some types of beans have a slightly higher or lower ratio, but they contain the carbs and protein needed to support muscle recovery. Protein also helps build muscle, and this will increase your lean muscle mass. Which makes it healthy to gain weight, which is one of the benefits of mash for fattening, Jaber Al-Qahtani.[4]

General benefits of mache

Because of the variety of different compounds that are concentrated in green beans; The importance of the mache has emerged, and many uses and health benefits have been discovered for it, which may help in treating some diseases. Among the most important benefits of mash:[3]

  • Mushrooms are a rich source of antioxidants. Which works to protect the body from complications of chemical molecules called free radicals and thus prevent infections and some chronic diseases; Like cancer and heart disease.
  • Mushrooms contain special antioxidant compounds that prevent heatstroke-related reactions. Mushroom soup is prepared in China when temperatures rise during the summer to prevent sunburn.
  • Mushrooms contain compounds that reduce the level of harmful fats, thus preventing heart disease associated with high levels of fats in the blood.
  • Mushrooms contain a high percentage of fiber, potassium and magnesium, which reduces blood pressure in people with high blood pressure and normal people, and some experiments have shown that mace is rich in proteins that inhibit some enzymes responsible for increasing blood pressure.
  • Mushrooms are very important for maintaining a healthy digestive system.
  • It contains water-soluble fiber, which helps maintain bowel movement.
  • Mushrooms contain complex starch and polysaccharides, which feed beneficial bacteria in the gut, which maintain healthy gut cells and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
  • Mushrooms contain easily digestible carbohydrates, so eating mushrooms does not contribute to the digestive bloating that occurs when eating other legumes.
  • Mushrooms are rich in fiber and protein that prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar. It also contains antioxidants that increase the response to the hormone insulin and reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Mushrooms are useful legumes during pregnancy. It is rich in folic acid, iron, fiber and protein, which is necessary for a pregnant woman and her fetus, but it is necessary to eat cooked watermelon; Protecting pregnant women and their fetus from the effects of eating contaminated mushrooms.

The nutritional value of mung bean

The nutritional value of mash is beneficial to the health of the human body and it is one of the benefits of a fattening spreader because it is rich in nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, and a good source of minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc, and contains a high amount of protein, fiber and many organic compounds, etc., The nutritional value of puree comes per cup, about 200 grams:[2]

Subject Quantity
water 145 gr
energy 208 kcal
protein 14 gr
Fats 0.76 gr
carbohydrates 38.1 gr
fiber 15.2 gr
Sugar 3.98 gr
calcium 54 mg
Iron 2.8 mg
magnesium 96 mg
phosphorous 198 mg
potassium 530 mg
Sodium 386 mg
zinc 1.68 mg
vitamin C 2 milligrams
thiamine; 0.326 mg
niacin 1.15 mg
folate 316 mg
choline 58.6 mg
vitamin A 2 μg
beta carotene 28 micrograms
vitamin E 0.3 mg
vitamin K 5.4 μg

Ways to use mish in food

Mung bean is easy to add to the diet because it is delicious, versatile and easy to add to the diet. They are among the benefits of mushrooms for fattening. Here are ways to use sprinkles in food:[3]

  • They can be used in place of most other beans in dishes such as curries, salads, and soups. These beans have a slightly sweet taste and are often made into a paste in Asian desserts.
  • It can be cooked as the beans are boiled until tender, 20 to 30 minutes, or they can be cooked in a pressure cooker for about five minutes.
  • The sprouts can also be savored, raw and cooked.
  • Mung bean sprouts are best enjoyed in roasted dishes or in curries.

The benefits of mash for bones

And speaking of bone mass benefits, preliminary studies in rats have shown that mung beans, along with other legumes like soybeans, help improve bone density and reduce indoor breakdown. Bones that have proven effective for the body despite the lack of calcium balance and levels, and it has been found that mung bean can act as an alternative to estrogen, which helps reduce bone loss resulting from low estrogen levels in the body, and in the end, it is good to make mung bean part of your meals Regular people, as it has many benefits that help maintain human health and balance.

The general benefits of mache

Mushrooms are among the richest legumes with essential nutrients, such as protein and minerals, and are rich in essential amino acids such as valine, arginine, and phenylalanine. These amino acids that the body needs cannot be produced alone.[8]

  • Reducing the risk of chronic diseases: Mash beans contain antioxidants that help get rid of free radicals that destroy cells, and the resulting damage can contribute to infection and chronic diseases such as heart disease. And cancers, because the antioxidant-rich content helps reduce the risk of these diseases.
  • Preventing the risk of sunstroke: Spray pills contain two types of antioxidants, which work in particular to prevent a significant increase in body temperature, and the consequent harm that can affect humans.
  • Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels: Preliminary animal studies show that crushed seeds can help lower LDL cholesterol levels and thus protect against heart disease.
  • Lowering blood pressure levels: Mung beans are a good source of fiber, magnesium, and potassium, which somehow help lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
  • Maintaining a healthy digestive system: Mung bean contains fiber and other nutrients necessary for a healthy digestive system. Soluble fibers called pectin help promote the presence of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and maintain healthy bowel movement.

Mashi food ingredients

  • RICH SOURCE OF PROTEIN: Mung beans are a good source of plant-based protein. It is rich in essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize, including examples: phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, leucine, arginine and others.[8]
  • Rich source of B vitamins: Mung beans contain a group of B vitamins; It is essential for many bodily functions, and also helps maintain a healthy brain. This bean in particular provides vitamin B9 known as folate; A cooked cup weighing 202 grams contains 80% of the recommended amount of this vitamin. This helps make DNA, which is essential for a woman before and during pregnancy, as it helps reduce the risk of certain birth defects.
  • Rich Source of Fiber: Seeds provide pectin. It is a type of water-soluble fiber, which can help speed up the passage of food through the intestines, thus regulating its movement.

Benefits of mash for pregnant women

Sprouted grains are useful for pregnant women because they contain many nutrients that are important to them, as a cooked cup of 202 grams provides 80% of the daily daily requirement for cattle; What is essential for the proper development of a baby and promoting a healthy pregnancy, not having enough is associated with a higher risk of birth defects. Therefore, women are advised to eat foods rich in folic acid during pregnancy, and in addition to that, the cereal is rich in certain elements that increase their need during pregnancy, such as: iron, protein, and fiber, but it should be noted that the grains and sprouts must be cooked well so that they are safe for consumption during this time. Raw bean sprouts should be avoided. Because it may contain bacteria that can cause infection.[4]

The benefits of mash for muscles

As we mentioned previously, Al-Mash for fattening, by Jaber Al-Qahtani, and we have detailed all the information related to that. We would like to point out other benefits of Al-Mash, as mung beans are a rich source of protein. This constitutes 20.97-32.6% of these grains, and it is a good source of amino acids, especially essential amino acids that are not provided by other types of grains. Muscle growth and maintenance of muscle mass when doing strength training.[6]

Mache side effects

Mache can cause digestive problems, due to the high level of fiber it contains, it is possible to start adding small amounts of this herb to the diet, along with making sure to drink enough water when eating. fibrous, and is best eaten cooked the first few times to expose the body; To facilitate digestion, it should be completely avoided in the event of secondary complications after eating it, such as: diarrhea, bloating, dizziness and nausea, and allergy sufferers should beware of other types of legumes.[4]

The US Food and Drug Administration said that people with weakened immune systems should avoid eating raw legumes, mung grass or other things, and advised pregnant women to avoid eating them. children and the elderly. Because it can be contaminated with disease-causing bacteria, such as: Escherichia coli or salmonella; Due to unclean picking or storage processes, they can cause vomiting and food poisoning when eaten raw or semi-cooked, and their retention of estrogen-like plant sterols can negatively affect the health of the body.[4]

Instructions and warnings about using the mache

Cooking the mung is a good thing and it is safer to kill dangerous bacteria and get rid of them when exposed to heat and spices. However, you must make sure that you choose the best quality of it when shopping, and handle it with care and attention before consuming it. Among the most prominent instructions and warnings about the mung are the following:[5]

  • Dispose of musty-smelling, dark-colored, or sticky cloth, if any, and inform shop owners.
  • Cool it at home after purchasing it in the refrigerator to a temperature of no more than 4 degrees Celsius.
  • It should be washed thoroughly with water before use to remove dirt, but avoid using soap or any other cleaners and use only water.
  • Wash hands with warm water and soap before and after handling raw foods to avoid the spread of bacteria and mold towards the body.

Mash recipes for skin health

After we discussed the mash for fattening, Jaber Al-Qahtani, we will discuss its importance on the skin, as the mash is one of the healthy herbs for the health of the skin, and among the most prominent home recipes for the use of mash for the health of the skin and skin are the following:[7]

  • It reduces the possibility of wrinkles appearing on the skin and can be used by placing a quarter of a crushed crushed cup, two tablespoons of natural honey and a tablespoon of rose water in a bowl and mixing well, then the mixture is applied to the skin and left for twenty minutes, then washed with water, as this reduces the Skin infections that affect the skin, such as: eczema and psoriasis.
  • It can be used by placing half a cup of ground spray and three tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl, then mix the mixture, then apply the mixture to the skin and leave it for twenty minutes, then wash it well with water, as this works to reduce the pores of oily skin.
  • Use it by putting half a cup of crushed mung and two tablespoons of honey in a bowl and mixing them well, then apply the mixture to oily skin and leave it for thirty minutes, then wash with water, which in turn helps remove rotten and damaged skin cells,
  • Use it by putting half a cup of milk, three tablespoons of ground purée, and two tablespoons of sugar in a bowl and mixing, then applying the mixture to the skin, leaving it to dry, then washing it well with water, which reduces the appearance of acne on the skin.
  • Use it by placing two tablespoons of ground puree and a quarter cup of yogurt in a bowl and mixing it well, then applying the mixture to the skin and applying it. It is left to dry completely and then washed well with water, which helps remove black spots from the skin and thus unifies its color, and cleanses the skin of toxins.[7]

In conclusion, Jaber Al-Qahtani discussed the benefits of mash for fattening in this article, as well as introducing the general benefits of mash, and its special benefits for the health of bones, muscles, skin, and pregnant women.

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